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Article: Throwback to the style of a 90s fashion icon

Retour sur le style d'une icône mode des 90s

Throwback to the style of a 90s fashion icon

Remember Carolyn Bessette? Fashion icon of the Nineties with its chic New York look. Wife of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr, she set the tone for the key trends of the 1990s. This quasi-royal couple with a tragic destiny unleashed passions and created a craze that still persists today.

I l I've always found it ultra elegant and modern. I was enormously inspired by her for the summer 2022 collection, I'll tell you about it in a few weeks.
In the meantime, I would like to share with you some photos of her to check how her style is more relevant than ever in 2022.
I really like this photo of her, simple with her hair blowing in the wind, I find her very modern, there is a certain joy and sweetness in this photo.
In fact Carolyn embodies the minimalism of the 90s and wears it like a banner.
To go to a gala, Carolyn had had the audacity to associate a black logue skirt with a rolled up and unbuttoned white shirt. All without really any accessories. A sophisticated and simple look that I love, very chic you must admit!
In the minimalist spirit of the time, she often wears black. Again without any accessories. But she brings her own touch to it and modernizes the tuxedo jacket, for example, by wearing it next to the skin.
On a day-to-day basis, Carolyn wears barely any makeup, her blonde hair sometimes pulled back, sometimes worn casually. A chic New York style, Levi's 501, a simple black coat, a white T-shirt and often square-toed boots.
We will come back to his boots very soon.
The mix of camel velvet and black sweater is totally successful and furiously trendy today. I also like the moccasins she wears. This photo of this mythical couple is inspiring, this mix of timeless casual chic.
On this sober outfit, I really like the way she wears her hair and her red lipstick, the only touch of color.
Ce qui reste inspirant et irrésistible chez Carolyn, c'est cette maitrise parfaite des codes de l'élégance minimaliste qui est toujours d'actualité en 2022.
Si on récapitule, ses « must have » sont :

Une veste de smoking
Un levi's
Une robe longue noire
Un pantalon en velours
Un cachemire noir
Ses boots et mocassins
Sa blondeur scandinave

Est ce que vous aussi elle vous inspire ?
Je reviens le mois prochain avec une nouvelle personnalité iconique qui m'inspire.

En attendant portez-vous bien et restez bien chaussé :)

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